There is no BAD Horoscope. We are all Blessed
There are always more good than bad in any horoscope. To have a good or a bad life depends on our own Wisdom
Just as there are no Bad Planets, there are no Bad horoscopes. There are only good or bad experiences. Every person or any living creature on Earth will have bad experiences in life. There is no exception to it.
And here’s the Proof 🌻
Maharshi Parasara in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra emphatically states this point. In Chapter-6 titled अथषोडशवर्गाध्याय: (Athshodashvargadhyay), Parasara defines the षोडशवर्गचक्र or the sixteen divisions of a sign. He defines Varga Classification from Sloka 42-53. Sloka-52 and 53 states:-
स्वोच्चमूलत्रिकोणस्वभवनाधिपते: शुभा: । स्वारूढ़ात् केन्द्रनाथानां वर्गा ग्राह्या: सुधीमता।।
अस्तंगता ग्रहजिता नीचगा दुर्बलाश्च ये। शयनादिगतास्तेभ्य उत्पन्ना योगनाशका: ।।
Meaning- the divisions falling in the planet’s exaltation sign, mooltrikona sign, own sign and the signs owned by the lord of an angle from the Arudha ascendant are all to be considered as good Vargas. The divisions of a combust planet, defeated planet, weak planet and a planet in bad avasthas like sayana be all ignored to be auspicious, for these destroy the good yogas.
{Source:- Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra of Maharshi Parasara : English Translation by R. Santhanam. Publisher- Ranjan Publications, New Delhi}
Out of twelve signs, more than half will be good 🌻
From the above, it can be delineated that planets in own sign, mool trikona, exaltation, swamsa (navamsa occupied by Atmakaraka), friendly signs are good. Apart from this, even signs owned by the Arudha Lagna lord and its angles are good for Varga Division. Let’s leave the technicals. In simple terms, this means that sometimes more than EIGHT signs out of twelve can be good in the horoscope. We can thus conclusively say that any Horoscope has more positives than negatives.
WISDOM will always bless us with GOOD 🌻
So, there is no BAD Horoscope. It’s bad astrology reading. If someone say you have a bad horoscope, smile at the person and move on. And of course, bless the ignorant soul with good wishes🤗 . Say to yourself, even if I had a bad horoscope, but good life is what I deserve.
Relying on our own wisdom sometimes guides us well in life. We need to think clear and live simple to let our Wisdom manifest to its potential. It’s not the planets but the decisions that we take decides the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in our life. A wise mind is likely to take right decisions and vice versa. The Great Sages have given prescriptions to protect wisdom in various planetary dashas. In Astrology, Jupiter or Brihaspati is the Karaka of Wisdom. Irrespective of the dashas, we can let our wisdom guide us well. We need to listen to or chant the powerful Brihaspati Beej Mantra 🙏🏼
🙏 Om Tat Sat 🙏
Very well explained