Mantra Chanting- (5 Simple & Effective Ways)
Contrary to what is widely believed, mantra chanting is not so complex
Mantra Chanting - Is it difficult? How to Chant Mantras? Complexities and Mystery shroud these questions. But, the process is actually very simple. Let's demystify this.
Few months ago, I had published an article in Hindi about how to chant mantras.
Few esteemed readers wanted this article in English. As they were not satisfied with the online translation of this article in English.
Mana is inherent in Mantra: 🧘🏼
Rishi Yaska said - Mantra Mananaat - मंत्रा मननात् . The word mantra contains mana dhatu. Thus, listening to or chanting mantra has a direct connection with the Mana or the Mind.
Mantras have a special significance in remedial astrology. We all have recited a mantra at some point of time in our life. Whether we are aware of it or not. For instance, the divine OM or AUM in itself is a powerful mantra that we have often chanted. The Rishis created Mantras for the benefit of the whole society. Unfortunately, it became the prerogative of a selected few who only could recite them. Thus, the knowledge of mantras became very restrictive. Some people have used this knowledge in misguiding and extorting gullible people. As a result, a cloak of enigma enshrined the process of chanting mantras.
Important FAQs on Mantra Chanting: 🧘🏼
Let us address the most common questions about mantra chanting-
Q. 1. Is there a particular method to chant a mantra for most effectiveness?
Ans. How to chant mantra for greatest effectiveness? I am yet to come across a clear prescription in the Classical texts. A lot has to do with the 'faith' element which we can impart while chanting or listening to a mantra.
Q. 2.What is the best time to chant a mantra? Is it compulsory to chant mantras in the morning? Can we chant mantra after sunset or at night?
Ans. For almost 99% of the mantras, any time is auspicious for chanting. (Although, for doing some specific mantras, the classics prescribe particular Ghadi or Prahars). The mental state while chanting mantra is more important than the time of chanting. Most people prefer to chant mantras in the mornings as they feel fresh after a night's sleep. Some others prefer to chant mantras in the evening after finishing the day's chores. In other words, choosing the time to chant mantra is largely personal.
Q. 3. Should I chant several mantras in a day or do I have to chant a single mantra each time?
Ans. There is no restriction on chanting Vedic mantras either one at a time or in a combination. If there is a prescription of chanting mantras as per the horoscope, it will be beneficial to follow. But, the vedic mantras are very pious and sattvik and benefit everyone of us. All vedic remedial mantras at the RationalAstro YouTube channel serves this purpose. Irrespective of what the horoscope says, we can pick any mantra from this channel and listen to it. Each mantra connects to some planet, nakshatra, Upagraha etc. and thus it will benefit the mind.
Q. 4.Is it compulsory to chant the mantra aloud? Can’t I chant them in silence?
Ans. The process of chanting Mantra is also called JAPA. Mantra Shastras prescribe Vaachik, Upanshu, Mansik, Sagarbh and Agarb- various forms of Japa. This is according to whether we have to chant mantras aloud or in silence or variation of breaths. Let's leave the complexities. The bottom line is that we can chant the Mantras in silence. It's not a compulsion to speak them aloud. Many people feel they are more focused on the mantra when they are chanting it aloud. The focus and faith are important factors in chanting mantras. We can have faith and focus while being silent. But it is important not to chant Mantras in a mechanical manner or in a hurry or for the sake of formality. It may not do any harm but it may not do any good as well.
Q. 5. Should we have to chant any mantra for a specific number of days such as 40 days or 51 days ?
Ans. Each recitation of mantra has its benefits and all recitations add up. In other words, it is a myth that for benefits, we need to chant mantra for say 40 days, 51 days or 108 days. Mantras can benefit us in an instant manner. For example, let's take a deep breath and release it with a sound of OM. We can feel a certain calmness and relaxation instantly.
Q.6.How to chant a mantra the correct way? Would there be any harm if I am not able to pronounce the mantra correctly?
Ans. The 'devotion' to the mantra is more important than the manner of chanting the mantra. Sam Veda gives several methods to chant mantras. Several mantras are 'self-correcting'. As we recite them, their chanting gets corrected over time. Several classical texts emphasis on Akshar Shuddhi, Matra Shuddhi and Swara Shuddhi. No doubt, these Shuddhis are important. But, the 'focus' and 'faith'- the Shraddha or devotion is far more crucial.
For a concise note on basics of chanting mantras please visit Vedam Tutorials section of Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publication Trust.
Let me explain through an analogy of producing and consuming rice. For a farmer who has to cultivate rice, it is important to know the methods and technicalities. Without following proper procedure one cannot produce rice. But, consumer of rice is not concerned with the process of rice production. In the same way, if someone has to do mantra and vedic sadhana, she has to follow a proper process. The consumers of the mantras should not be subjected to the same rigorous process of that of sadhaka.
Thus, please listen to or chant mantras without any fear or insecurity. Mantras are sattvik in nature. The Great Sages have created them with eternal and divine love towards humanity. If their recitation is not proving to be beneficial, they will never ever cause any harm what so ever.
Q. 9. What is the correct posture for chanting mantra? Can I lie down while chanting a mantra?
Ans. We should chant a mantra in any pose which is most comfortable- sitting, lying, standing. The posture doesn't matter. An ancient school suggests that the spine should be straight in line with the head. So that when the Kundalini rises it should not find obstruction in moving up. But, my view is different. First of all, the rising of the Kundalini is one of the last stages of deep meditation. Only by constant sadhana and renunciation ohink of kundalini rising. Secondly, Mantra realigns the neuron pathways. In other words, it is mental and neural work. If the physical posture is comfortable, mental work will be efficient.
Q. 10. Would it suffice to only listen to the mantra rather than chanting it?
Ans. YES. Certain remedial mantras such as the Nakshatra Sutrams are very complex to recite. It would take a lot of time to grasp them. But mantra- meditation on such complex mantras is a simple process. We keep listening to the mantra and keep seeing the thoughts that are crossing our mind. If we punch in some auto-suggestion during mantra-meditation it absorbs in the unconscious. This way, we can inculcate desired changes in us quickly. We may play mantras on the speaker or a headphone and keep doing routine activities. Even most common activities such as shaving, bathing, driving, cooking and what not. So far, the feedback of background listening of chants is very positive.
For those who want to chant mantra through certain procedure, they can do it in very simple steps.
5 Simple Steps for chanting mantras in today's modern times: 🧘🏼
We are not aiming for Mantra Siddhi. Our aim is to derive benefits from the chants that we are listening to. It requires complete renunciation and Saadhna to reach the stage of Mantra Siddhi. In today's world, everyone is short of time. Thus, we need to adopt those methods of JAPA which are practicable and workable. I am fortunate to have hands-on experience on hundreds of horoscopes. Based on this, I humbly put forth the following procedure-
1. Choose a comfortable position- sitting, lying, standing doesn’t matter
2. After that, take three to four long steady deep breaths to stabilise the mind.
3. Please follow this up by reciting long OM for 2-3 times.
4. We should maintain a gap of at least one deep breath between two recitations.
5. In the end, we should chant 2-3 times long OM.
For all practical purposes, this would suffice. In other words, no complex procedures are required for chanting mantras.
Conclusion: 🧘🏼
Mantras are sattvik and divine vehicles for spiritual upliftment. For thousands of years, Mantras form an important component of remedial astrology. Our endeavour should be to make the mantras accessible to as many souls as possible. Our great Sages were practical people. Moreover, they gave these mantras for the benefit of society. Let's demystify the process and benefit by listening or chanting them.
There are many of us who are conscious of pronunciation errors in mantra chanting. Sages have prescribed a powerful prescription to this - The Saraswati Mantra. This Mantra invokes Goddess Saraswati. It is said to take care of the pronunciation errors etc. of any vedic mantra. Further, even a long chanting of OM before any mantra gives the same results.
Let's spare the next 40 seconds and listen in to the divine Saraswati Mantra 🧘🏼
🙏 Om Tat Sat 🙏