Why Astrology fails often? Should I still believe in it?
A different perspective on one of the most asked questions related to Astrology
This interesting question was originally answered by me on Quora. We often doubt Astrology since many predictions fail. Let’s look at a different perspective.
Not the Subject but the Practitioners are to blame: 🧜🏻
Astrology per se is pure. The problem is with the practitioners. They generally practice Astrology in isolation from the Vedas which is the biggest flaw in their approach in my humble opinion.
Astrology is not about predictions, it is about making the future possible through remedies. It is not about eventualities but about possibilities. It is based on karma and free will and not based only on Fate.
There are well laid out Qualities for an Astrologer. However, due to lack of awareness, very few practitioners bother to adhere to them. As a result, there are no standards for Astrology practitioners whose guess work about the future often goes for a toss. Thus, Astrology fails due to the practitioners and not due to itself.
So, Why should I believe in Astrology when it fails? 🧜🏻
If Science fails, do we stop believing in it? For instance, there was a time when it was thought that the Earth is the Center of Universe. When this belief was shaken, humanity took many years to understand the new concept. This happened only because Humanity believed in Science.
There was a time when Atom was considered the smallest particle of the Universe. Humanity kept on believing Science and exploring it. Today, we know there are even smaller particles than Atom.
Similarly, we all believe in the Laws of Gravitation. I am sure you are aware that all laws of Gravitation and even laws of Physics fail to explain the Black Hole. The concept of Gravity itself is now on a shaky ground. Prof. Celia Escamilla-Rivera, Head of Department of Gravitation at University of Mexico is working on ‘Precision Cosmology’ - an alternate theory of Gravity which she terms as -Teleparallel Gravity.
I mean to say that Science is evolving today because we believe in Science even when it is failing in certain situations. We are not abandoning the subject.
Similarly, intellectuals & academics should believe in Astrology, research it and contribute in evolving the subject. Only then can we reform Astrology just as we are reforming Science.
🙏 Om Tat Sat 🙏